Quantum Land Design

Caterpillar Operator Stadium - Conexpo 2020

Quantum Land Design played a hidden, but big part in Caterpillar's Operator Stadium demos at Conexpo/Con-Agg 2020. Quantum's machine control model was hard at work in every demo keeping Cat Grade Control on grade and the "race track" graded to perfection every time.

Quantum's team worked closely with Cat to get the design perfect while balancing the dirt as the design evolved into a racetrack for Cat's UTV.

Quantum's team can help balance your construction site using the same expertise we applied to Caterpillar's demo. Stop by our machine control modeling page to learn more.

Here are a few videos and pictures Cat's Operator Stadium before and during Conexpo 2020.

Quantum's GPS machine control model hard at work.

Pre-Conexpo set up and live show compilation.

Caterpillar's remote controlled wheel loader always peaked the audiences interest.

Cat's UTV putting the completed track to use.

Here Cat's D6 starts to cut in the banked curve.

The operator stadium had almost every piece of equipment on the move all of the time.